Integrating with WIX Stores

Out-of-the-box features:
  • Conversion tracking
  • Commission based on order amount
  • Supports lifetime commissions
  • Track order currency
  • Track affiliate coupon code conversions
  • Auto-handle recurring commissions
  • Auto-handle refunds and disputes

Note: This integration only works for WIX online stores. Any other WIX use case is not supported.

Adding code to masterPage.js

  1. Access your WIX store and click the Edit Site button Edit Site WIX
  2. In your WIX Store editor, click “Dev Mode” at the top, and turn on Dev mode. WIX Dev Mode

  3. In the “Page Code” panel on the left of your page, under Pages > Shop, click “Thank You Page”. Here, click on the sample order details in the middle of the editor. This will open the properties panel and show you the section’s ID. If the value after ID is not thankYouPage1, copy the actual value and replace “thankYouPage1” at the top of the code snippet you see in Step 4. WIX Thank you page ID

  4. Once you have confirmed the ID of your Thank You page, find masterPage.js and click to open it.
    WIX masterPage.js

  5. In the masterPage.js tab that opens at the bottom of the page, erase all of the existing code and paste the following code:

    const thankYouPageId = "((((thankYouPage1))))"; // Replace with your thank you page id if not thankYouPage1
    const accountId = "((((YOUR ACCOUNT ID))))";
    import wixLocation from"wix-location";import wixWindow from"wix-window"
    ;import{fetch}from"wix-fetch";import{local}from"wix-storage";let query=wixLocation.query;const removeUndefined=e=>{for(var t in e){
    if(e[t]===undefined)delete e[t]}return e};const objectToQueryString=e=>{var t,o,n,r,i,c;o=[];i=/%20/g;n=function(e,t){
    t=typeof t==="function"?t():t===null?"":t;o[o.length]=encodeURIComponent(e)+"="+encodeURIComponent(t)};if(e instanceof Array){for(r in e){n(r,e[r])}
    }else{for(t in e){buildParams(t,e[t],n)}}c=o.join("&").replace(i,"+");return c};function buildParams(e,t,o){var n,r,i,c;c=/\[\]$/
    ;if(t instanceof Array){for(r=0,i=t.length;r<i;r++){if(c.test(e)){o(e,t[r])}else{buildParams(e+"["+(typeof t[r]==="object"?r:"")+"]",t[r],o)}}
    }else if(typeof t==="object"){for(n in t){buildParams(e+"["+n+"]",t[n],o)}}else{o(e,t)}}const getPublisherMeta=()=>{let e=null;for(var t in query){
    if(t.slice(0,3)==="tm_"){e=e||{};e[t.slice(3,t.length)]=query[t]}}return e};const request=(e,t,o,n)=>{t=removeUndefined(t);"wix-v1"
    ;const r=objectToQueryString(t);const i=e+"?"+r;o=o||i.length>2083?"POST":"GET";const c=o==="GET"?i:e;t=o==="POST"?JSON.stringify(t):null;const a={
    method:o,body:t};if(t){a.body=t}fetch(c,a).then(e=>{if(!e.ok)return null;return e.json()}).then(e=>{if(e&&typeof n==="function"){n(e)}})}
    ;if(query.ref||(query.tap_a&&query.tap_s)){const e={acc:accountId,refc:query.ref,aid:query.tap_a,sid:query.tap_s,pm:getPublisherMeta(),ref:wixWindow.referrer,cup:wixLocation.url,
    int:"wix"};request("",e,null,e=>{local.setItem("tap_vid",e.vid)})}$w.onReady(function(){const e=$w("#"+thankYouPageId)
    ;if(Array.isArray(e))return;e.getOrder().then(e=>{const t=local.getItem("tap_vid");if(!t)return;const o={,
    currency:e.currency};if(e.appliedCoupon){}const;const r={acc:accountId,vid:[t],


  6. Hit “Publish” and you’re done.

This video shows you how to integrate your Wix store with Tapfiliate.

Embedded content:


Please remember to test a conversion before starting your program. This way you can verify that tracking has been set up correctly. You can create a test conversion by following the steps described here.

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