Integrating with Recurly

Out-of-the-box features:
  • Conversion tracking
  • Commission based on order amount
  • Track affiliate coupon code conversions
  • Supports lifetime commissions
  • Auto-handle recurring commissions
  • Auto-handle refunds and disputes

Note: This guide is geared towards cases in which you are redirecting users to a final thank-you/success page after the order is processed using Recurly. It supports all payment gateways you might have connected to Recurly.

If you want to award your affiliates with a recurring commissions you can do so with Zapier. This guide assumes that you have a Zapier account.

  1. Append the following to your redirect URL in Recurly: ?acc={{account_code}} so it will look something like this:{{account_code}}

  2. Place the code in the head of every page of your website - between the <head> and </head> tags:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        tap('create', '((((YOUR ACCOUNT ID))))');


  3. Save changes.

  4. Paste the the following code on your confirmation page:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function getQueryParams(){var assoc={};var decode=function(s){return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g," "))};var;var keyValues=queryString.split('&');for(var i in keyValues){var key=keyValues[i].toString().split('=');if(key.length>1){assoc[decode(key[0])]=decode(key[1])}}return assoc}
        window['TapfiliateObject'] = i = 'tap';
        window[i] = window[i] || function () {
            (window[i].q = window[i].q || []).push(arguments);
        tap('create', '((((YOUR ACCOUNT ID))))');
        var params = getQueryParams();
        if (params.acc) {
            tap('trial', params.acc);


  5. Save again, and you’re all done!


Please remember to test a conversion before starting your program. This way you can verify that tracking has been set up correctly. You can create a test conversion by following the steps described here.

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