Integrating with Cratejoy

Out-of-the-box features:
  • Conversion tracking
  • Commission based on order amount
  • Per category commissions
  • Track affiliate coupon code conversions
  • Supports lifetime commissions
  • Auto-handle recurring commissions
  • Auto-handle refunds and disputes

Here is a quick video of the whole process:
Embedded content:

  1. In your Cratejoy dashboard, go to design > click code next to your theme > Select the base.html template
  2. Add the following code just after the <body>tag at the top of the file

    <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        tap('create', '((((YOUR ACCOUNT ID))))', { integration: "cratejoy" });


  3. Hit save

  4. Next, find the thank_you.html template in the customer folder

  5. Open account info, and select the component.html. To component.html, add the following code snippet:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        tap('create', '((((YOUR ACCOUNT ID))))', { integration: "cratejoy" });
        {% if order.products|length == 1 %}
        tap('conversion', '{{ }}', {{ }} / 100, {}, '{{ order.products[0].id }}');
        {% else %}
        tap('conversion', '{{ }}', {{ }} / 100);
        {% endif %}


  6. Hit save and you are all done!

Overriding commission amounts for certain products

You can easily override the commission amount for certain products, by creating a commission type for it. The steps you will need to take for this are as follows:

  1. After you complete the on-boarding process, click Programs in the left hand menu > Click the settings icon next to your program > Select Commission Structure.
  2. Click New commission type
  3. As the title, choose the name of your product
  4. As the identifier, enter the Cratejoy product id
  5. Select the appropriate commission amount
  6. Hit save, and you are done!

Recurring commissions

If you are looking to give your affiliates recurring commissions, you will need to use the Cratejoy API in combination with our own API. Please contact support if your team needs guidance with this.


Please remember to test a conversion before starting your program. This way you can verify that tracking has been set up correctly. You can create a test conversion by following the steps described here.

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